Newsletter April 2014

Best wishes for a fun holiday filled with sweet treats and the joy of spring!

All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt! 
Lucy Van Pelt In Peanuts by Charles M. Schultz

Show your Love – Parenting is the Best Option family5.jpg–

Every Court and family attorney will advise that parents share the responsibilities of their children.  This is known as co-parenting, and has proven to be an effective way of giving children the best of both of you at all times.
Parenting together gives a teen a feeling of security,consistency, and structure. Working together is a skill that demonstrates to a teen that peaceful resolutions are far more productive than constant arguing and confrontation on a regular basis. Working together in all aspects of parenting, will also allow parents to keep the pleasure of being a parent.
Children often mimic the behaviors of parents – both good and bad.  And even though teens seem like they are following the direction of their peers during their adolescent years, both parents working together will allow your teen to have two good role models to follow as they transition from teens to adults themselves.
Love & Logic – Wise Words……… Wise Parents know that strong family relationships and good parenting are far more powerful and longer lasting influences than peer pressure.
Despite all of the power other kids can have over each other, parents are still the most influential people in their kids lives.  When parents have strong, positive relationships with their kids, kids usually end up pretty responsible, and pretty happy – even if some of their friends are “responsibility challenged.
Despite their valiant attempt during adolescence to be  completely different than their parents, kids who love and respect their parents eventually wake up at approximately age thirty, look in the mirror, scream and say, “Oh, my God!  I’m just like my mom!”
Young adults who received good parenting as kids once again begin to see their parents’ wisdom.  Your teens will reach this point and will think, “Geez, Mom and Dad weren’t so dumb after all!”
We all look forward to those days!
A Family Outreach Program
PRN for Families works with every individual within the family – yes parents included – to give everyone the resources, tools and support to help the family as a whole to have the skills they need to live safely together.
If you, your family, or someone you know could use this additional support, please contact us.  The initial consultation is at no cost, allowing you to see the potential that your family could receive from this program
We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Charles Elias LCSW, MAC
PRN for Families, Inc.
888-762-5973 Toll Free